Life according to Cooper.
Today I'm guest posting on my mother's blog. She thought you might enjoy hearing my perspective on apartment living.
Well to be perfectly honest I really don't care where I live as long as I get to live with her and my Dad. We could live in a pup tent, under a bridge or at the Taj Mahal, as long as I get to sleep next to them I'd be okay, but I will admit this apartment life has been lots of fun for me.
For the first few months I got to ride in the car every morning when Mom dropped Dad off at the train station. Now he's driving to work so I'm getting to sleep in a little. Each morning Mom and I like to begin our day with a trip to the courtyard to take care of some "business" if you know what I mean. The courtyard has been great because it's just around the corner, and it's kind of like having your own back yard that you share with a bunch of other dogs who I never see, but can certainly smell.
Once we are back inside Mom likes to sit out on our porch and drink her coffee. I like to snuggle next to her, and wait for my friend Skipper to walk by. Sometimes I like to growl at the people walking by. I just want Mom to know that I'm here to protect her in case she needs any help.
Mom usually has an errand or two to run each day so I dutifully wait for her in my "house." She always says she'll be right back, and because I can't tell time she's always right because she always does return. Most days we've got to take the trash down to the little room at the end of the hall, and I must admit that the big, white bag, and the little trash room make me kind of nervous, especially when she opens that tiny door to throw the trash away. Luckily, it goes by quickly and we can check the mail next. I've gotten pretty good at figuring out where to go next, and if I was only a little taller I might be able to help her actually retrieve the mail.
During the day I have a pretty good view of the outside, and I'm not really sure why my mother keeps reminding me to be quiet. Doesn't she know that watch dog is part of my job description? When you live in an apartment there sure are a lot of people, cars and dogs going by, and you can never be too careful.
Of course, my favorite time of day is in the evening when we go for our walk around the lake. If I'm lucky there are no big dogs at the dog park, and Mom lets me stop by to say hello to all the people. To be honest, I'm really not all that interested in the other dogs. Sometimes she throws the tennis ball and I chase it. It's a pretty sweet deal. After my encounter with two really big bullying dogs Mom's gotten a little over protective, but I'm still convinced I could have taken them if Mom had let me.
Along the walk I get to say hello to some of the friendlier dogs. It's amazing how many of them are part poodle. I guess my Mom knew a thing or two when she picked me. Apparently, we poodles seem to be quite popular. I've got to watch the tiny ducks grow up, and I've even met a little girl who used to be afraid of dogs until she met me.
At night after another trip to the courtyard I settle down on Mom and Dad's bed while Mom reads a while. I'm usually pretty tired because apartment living requires a lot more walking. Well that, and getting to play with my Dad when he gets home from work because he's not having to commute so far. I'd say that apartment living is GRRRREAT! I'd give it a high five just like I give my Mom right before bed.