Tuesday, November 30, 2021


I’m looking for some advice today about how you stay motivated. 

In reading an article written by motivational expert Glen Reys I came across the following:
“Expecting a task to be enjoyable is one way to learn how to be motivated.”

When I think about how much I enjoy settling down in the evening with my coloring book and colored pencils it makes me realize that I’m never not motivated to color. 

However, getting up off of the couch to walk for thirty minutes is more of a challenge for my cerebral inclinations. 

Reys suggests making the task more fun by asking the following questions:

“How can I enjoy this task?”
(For me listening to a podcast while walking makes it more enjoyable. I used to do this every week day morning pre COVID at the Euless Family Life Center. They had an indoor walking track that I really enjoyed. Walking, listening, and saying hello to other regular walkers made this a great way to start my day.)

“What can I do to make this task fun for myself and others?”
(Chuck and I used to walk together around our neighborhood. I always loved walking beside the lake at our apartment. Stopping to dance a little with my dog Cooper is always fun. He’s a really good dancer!)

“How can I make this task the best part of my day?”
(I know for me getting the opportunity to be outside when the weather cooperates is always one of my favorite things to do. Now that it’s getting cooler I probably should just bundle up and start walking. Maybe listening to some Christmas music- my favorite- will add to to enjoyment.)

Perhaps by answering these questions I can expect the task to be enjoyable. It’s easy to stay motivated when we enjoy what we are doing. 

Let me know how you stay motivated. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Christmas Wish List

As a child I remember pouring over the Sears Wish Book as I made my Christmas list.

Fast forward over fifty years, and I’m not even sure Sears is in business anymore. I do know that the Wish Book has been defunct for years. 

In our new digital world we don’t see too many actual paper catalogs anymore. However, that hasn’t stopped my almost six year old grandson from dreaming about what he wants for Christmas. 

He enjoys thumbing through the Ace Hardware catalog that comes in the mail. The selection of tools and hardware equipment are right up his interest alley. 

The other day while he was looking through the catalog he stopped to ask his mother this question; “Mom how do the elves make air compressors?”

Keeping a straight face his mother answered that she didn’t think too many kids were asking for air compressors this year. LOL, you’ve got to love this boy’s thought process. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Country Kids Fitness Program

Nothing like taking advantage of 100 bales of hay to get in your daily exercise. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

A great day was had by all. 

Delicious food and wonderful company all attest to a blessed life. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Notes From The Traveler’s Gift- The Seventh Decision


                                          The Seventh Decision

I Will Persist Without Exception

“All men are driven by faith or fear-one or the other- for both are the same.”

“The only limit to your realization of tomorrow is the doubt to which you hold fast today.”

“Circumstances...are daily lessons to be studied and gleaned for new knowledge and wisdom.”
“I stay the course. I do not quit.”

“Too much of my life has been spent doubting my beliefs and believing my doubts.”

Monday, November 22, 2021

Notes From The Traveler’s Gift- The Sixth Decision

The Sixth Decision

I Will Greet This Day With a Forgiving Spirit

“The unmistakable Truth about forgiveness is that it is not a reward that must be earned; forgiveness is a gift to be given.”

“ When I give forgiveness, I free my own spirit to release the anger and hatred harbored in my heart.”

“I will forgive even those who do not ask for forgiveness.”

Dr. Laura has a very reasonable, worldly opinion about forgiveness. She’s not a real proponent of giving undeserved forgiveness. 

Jesus on the other hand requires us to forgive “seventy times seven times.” That is 490 times! 

I’ve witnessed people who have suffered atrocities at the hand of someone else, and have forgiven them. Most of the time they say that the hatred they were harboring in their heart was destroying them. 

They forgave not so much for the other person, who may or may not of wanted it, but for themselves. 

President Lincoln at the end of the Civil War stated, “The first morning after all hostilities cease, I will greet the day with a forgiving spirit.”

Friday, November 19, 2021

Notes From The Traveler’s Gift- The Fifth Decision

The Fifth Decision

Today I Will Choose To Be Happy

“A person without a dream never had a dream come true.”

“All my problems become smaller when I confront them.”

“Fear is a poor chisel with which to carve out tomorrow.”

“Happiness is a choice.”

I remember one particularly challenging school year where many days resulted in tears. As much as I wished I could just run away, I knew that was not an option. 

Although, at the time I’m not really sure I realized it I chose each morning to begin the day on a positive note. I would greet each child with a smile, and although the happiness of that moment might have lasted only a few minutes, somehow each morning when I returned to school I would begin anew. 

Now can I say I was an extremely happy person that year? No in many ways it was extremely difficult. However, I think that choice to start fresh each day is what helped me make it to the end of the school year. 

Interestingly, some of my most favorite children were in that class, and it broke my heart that I wasn’t the teacher they really deserved. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Notes From The Traveler’s Gift- The Fourth Decision

The Fourth Decision

I Have a Decided Heart 

“Truth is truth. If a thousand people believe something foolish, it is still foolish! Truth is never dependent upon consensus of opinion.”

“If you worry about what other people think of you, then you will have more confidence in their opinion than in your own.”

“Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of an undecided heart. Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided  heart searches for an escape.”

“Indecision limits the Almighty and His ability to perform miracles in your life.”

I have been guilty of drift in my life. Most of the time I have drifted from one thing to another. As planned and organized as I have been I’ve rarely thought too far down the road. 

I’ve accepted my future as it has materialized. I wish I had more of a committed heart. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Notes From The Traveler’s Gift- The Third Decision

The Third Decision

I Am a Person of Action

“When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act. I am a person of action.”

“Beginning today I will create a new future by creating a new me.”
“I am a leader. Leading is doing. To lead, I must move forward. A person who moves neither left nor right is destined for mediocrity.”

“God has given me a healthy mind to gather and sort information and the courage to come to a conclusion.”

“I am a person of action. I am daring. I am courageous.”

I’m really good at gathering and sorting information. It’s the action part that I’m lacking. 
If it is fear that is holding me back, I think it’s the fear of not doing something perfectly. 

I also believe that it’s easier for me to remain in my head, and action requires real work. I often default to my lazy bone, and even though I have good intentions I fail to follow through.
Just like yesterday’s posting I need to surround myself with action oriented friends. I have one friend, in particular, who is always doing something. 

Whether it’s baking, crocheting, reading or crafting she is very action oriented. I’m going to use her as an inspiration toward action. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Notes From The Traveler’s Gift- The Second Decision


                                                                  The Second Decision 

   I Will Seek Wisdom

“We as humans are always in the process of change. Therefore, we might as well guide the direction in which we change.”

“...we are always and forever influenced by those with whom we associate. Guard your associations carefully. Anytime you tolerate mediocrity in your choice of companions, you become more comfortable with mediocrity in your own life.”

“Knowing that wisdom waits to be gathered, I will actively search her out.”

I have a theory about wisdom. I believe it happens at both ends of the spectrum. Both the very young and the very old have wisdom. 

The young because they have not yet been corrupted by the world. The old because they have lived long enough to experience the world, and if they are wise have learned to recognize what is really important. 

Recently I started following a man in his early thirties who has studied stoicism for the last fifteen years. He is very knowledgeable about the subject, but on closer examination he lacks the wisdom that hopefully he will gain over the next twenty years. 

Today I look toward my three year old grandson for the wisdom he brings to my life. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Notes From The Traveler’s Gift- The First Decision

The First Decision For Success

The Buck Stops Here

“We are all in situations of our own choosing. Our thinking creates a pathway to success or failure.”

“You have chosen the pathway to your present destination. The responsibility for your situation is yours.”

“The words, ‘It’s not my fault!’ have been symbolically written in the gravestones of unsuccessful people.”

“You say my future is what I decide it to be.”

This reminded me that I have more control over my life than I want to admit. Each decision and choice made today affects tomorrow.

Friday, November 12, 2021

New Roads


                “One can never know what a new road will bring.”

The Road to Grace
Richard Paul Evans

Thursday, November 11, 2021



  “Choices are the hinges of our destiny.”   

I heard this quote at Weight Watchers the other day, and I really liked it. 

When I think about hinges I think about doors. Open doors represent opportunity if we are willing to step through them. 

Consider the choices you are making today, and decide if they are contributing to or taking away from the life you truly want. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Sugar, Sugar

I wanted to give an update on my sugar detox. It’s been a week since I decided I needed to do something about the amount of sugar I was consuming.
I decided to basically stop cold turkey which made for a couple of “white knuckle” days. I compensated for the sugar by over indulging in the salty snacks, but now I don’t seem to be craving either salty or sweet snacks. 

I can say I’m in a pretty good place right now. One of the things I’ve noticed is that I’m sleeping better, and I’m wondering if the high sugar consumption was contributing to my hot flashes. I’m feeling better overall, and have jumped on board the new WW Personal Points program. 

I was looking for something to motivate me to get back on the healthy eating bandwagon, and I think this sugar purge is just what I needed. 

I’m making a point to walk each day, and now my new goal is to add more vegetables to my diet. I love vegetables, and with the new WW program I can actually earn more points daily by including them in my meal plan. 

With the holidays around the corner I like having the support of WW to keep me from going overboard. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


I had the opportunity yesterday to meet with a group of old friends. Over a delicious lunch prepared by one of my friends we laughed and reminisced about our history.

As I thought about how blessed I was to have this group of friends I couldn’t help but remember a song from my childhood.

“Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.”

We have recently begun to make some new friends in our new community, and I feel blessed for that as well. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Traveler’s Gift

“The Traveler’s Gift is truly a gift to everyone who wants to succeed in life. Woven into this very enjoyable story are seven powerful, yet practical principles that can change your life forever.”

Don Moen, Integrity Media

I’m almost twenty years late to the party on this one.  The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews was published in 2002, and although I had passed by it many times on the bookstore shelves, it wasn’t until recently that I picked it up for a dollar from my favorite resale store. 

This was certainly my loss, because I am loving every moment of this book as I am reading it, and am wishing I had read it much sooner. 

In fact, it should be required reading for both high school seniors, and seniors newly eligible for Medicare. It’s message is universal. 

It is so cleverly written, and introduces us to many famous historical figures who leave us feeling inspired through the lessons they teach. 

When I am through reading the entire book I’ll write a little more specifically about each of the seven lessons learned. 

That being said, I highly recommend this book for both book lovers, and anyone, like me, trying to get back to reading regularly. It’s barely over two hundred pages, and has been a joy to read as I’ve found it hard to put down. 

I’ve also just noticed that there is a reader’s guide included at the back of the book for anyone wanting to delve deeper. That would certainly be me.

Friday, November 5, 2021


“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.”
Michael J. Fox

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Wing Buds

I could have sworn I felt little wing buds the other day on my youngest grandson. 

He is an absolute angel, and a joy to care for. 

He’s at that age where he smiles a lot, coos, and is discovering his hands. 

I feel like one lucky Mimi to get to take care of him two days a week. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


I've written about sugar before, but I’m going to address it again today. 

I’ve been struggling with healthy eating for over a year now. Each morning I wake up determined to do better, and each night I go to bed disappointed.

What I concluded last night after a dessert blowout was that I’ve become addicted to sugar. It’s actually a real thing, as the brain craves that dopamine hit it brings. 

In searching for more information about how to break the sugar habit, I learned that it’s important to include these three things in each of your meals: protein, healthy fat and fiber( and I’m not talking about white bread, white rice and pasta). Apparently sugar is not the only suspect here, but white flour is his accomplice.

So today for lunch I made an old favorite, avocado chickpea salad on a bed of baby spinach, with sliced apples, and a tablespoon of pepitas on the side. 

I had forgotten how yummy it was. 

Avocado Chickpea Salad

Drain and rinse one can of chickpeas (I actually like to peel off the skins-a little time consuming I know), and mash them a little in a bowl. Add one avocado and smash it as well. Add some diced red onion, Redmond Real Salt, cracked pepper and a squeeze of lemon. Add your favorite Season All. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

What do you do when your 200 pound generator arrives right around the time you have a heart procedure, and you need to unload it from your truck?

You use your brand new tractor, and the grapple to move it from the back of the truck to the barn. 

Now that’s using your noggin!

Monday, November 1, 2021

Bluebird House

The boys came over on Sunday after church. They helped Chuck put up a bluebird house that we had bought at Walmart.
It will be interesting to see this spring if a pair of bluebirds makes it their home. In the past we have really enjoyed having bluebirds at our home in Euless. 

Sadly this spring it appeared that they had not returned. Later in the season we spied the momma and daddy, but as far as we knew they never had any babies.

My good friend Kim has a wonderful bird buffet that her husband Tim made for their yard. They spend many hours enjoying the variety of birds who stop by to feast. I’d like to do something similar here in the spring.