Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Mundane

Doing the things you really don't like doing. Doing the everyday mundane tasks of life. Gretchen Rubin says, "You can choose what you do, but you can't choose what you like to do." This is so true. I find that I sometimes have to dig deep to  have the self-discipline to accomplish all the daily "have to" tasks. But in reality they are not something I like to do. I'd much rather be reading, having lunch with a friend, or catching up on my favorite tv show. I've found that having a to-do list helps because I do get a sense of accomplishment at checking things off the list. I've also found that I seem to be more productive in the morning. It is easier to stay motivated when something is exciting and creative. Staying motivated through the mundane is more challenging. Taking Gretchen's advice I'll use what I like to do to accomplish what I don't. I'll open the windows to let in some fresh spring air, I'll tune in to my favorite podcast, and I'll fix myself a glass of iced tea. The reality is that there are many mundane parts of our life and there is no getting around that fact. However, I do have a choice as to how I will approach them.

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