Thursday, April 16, 2015

Chanel No 5

Chanel No 5. My mother's favorite perfume. After my Mom  passed away I didn't have many of her possessions to remember her. I was lucky, though, to get her bottle of Chanel No 5. My mother was not a perfume every day kind of gal. No, she saved the perfume for special occasions. I can remember many a Saturday evening watching her get ready for her weekly date with Dad. I loved it when she applied her bright blue cream eye shadow. That too, was reserved for special occasions. We would talk while she was getting ready. Oh, how I loved to listen to her stories about what it was like when she was growing up. It was a special time between us, because I didn't have to share her. At that moment she was all mine.  The last thing she would do was apply a dab of Chanel No  5 behind each earlobe and on her wrists. It has been close to forty years since she passed away, but I still have that same bottle of perfume. Each time I open it up and inhale its wonderful scent, I am taken back to those special times we spent together in front of that dressing room mirror. They say that scent activates memories more deeply than pictures. I have found this to be true and feel blessed to have had this memory.


  1. This is beautiful. Thank you for helping me to realize I should appreciate that my mother is still alive.

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you had your Mom in your life as an adult. I treasure my moments with my daughter as she goes through the milestones of her life.
