Monday, April 20, 2015


Ideas. Today I read a really wonderful children's book entitled What Do You Do With an Idea? by Kobe Yamada.  Ideas are interesting things. Often times you'll have a really good one, but for whatever reason you will never bring it to fruition. You might second guess yourself, or think that it might be too hard.You might think it to be silly or frivolous.You might worry about criticism or judgement. How many great ideas have you let just flitter away?  Two things I miss about teaching; children's books and ideas. Kids are always having ideas, and the great thing about their ideas is that they don't even know yet that maybe they should think twice about them. They just plunge in head first without a worry or care about whether it is good enough or how it will turn out. We could learn a thing or two from these little lives. The next time I have an  idea I'm not going to be so quick to discount it , rather I'm going to consider it as a possibility.

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