Friday, December 8, 2023

Choices-Day 5


“When we make a serious commitment to live a good life we have to be mindful and truthful in all our choices.”
Alexandra Stoddard

So here’s the thing about choices. When we make them there is always an element of uncertainty. Some people suffer from analysis paralysis, hoping that if they eventually gather enough information their choices will be smarter. 

However, you can always find out one more thing, but if doing so causes you never to make a decision then your choice has actually been to do nothing. 

Sometimes we regret our choices, but unless you have done something illegal or immoral living in a state of regret is no way to live your life. 

Stoddard reminds us that, “Choice by definition contains ambiguity.” Being comfortable with ambiguity is easier said than done, though.

However, many of our choices can be adjusted if they don’t work out as expected. It’s important to strive to make the best choice, but to be flexible as well. You need to monitor your choices to make sure they are beneficial to you, but at the same time you need to consider how they will effect others. Always putting yourself first is not necessarily a good thing. However, putting yourself last, in the long run, is not productive. 

Remember the toothpaste analogy. Some of our choices have consequences that cannot be undone. Remember as Stoddard reminds us, “You are your choices.”

“Life is the sum of all choices.”
Albert Camus

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