Friday, January 7, 2022

Camping Out

I wanted to share with you how Chuck and I rang in the New Year. I must admit it was probably one of the most fun New Year’s Eve’s I’ve ever spent. 

This holiday has never been one of my favorites considering it revolves more around “partying” and my idea of a good time centers more around blowing out birthday candles vs grown-up fun. 

Both of the older grandsons spent the night on New Year’s Eve, and Chuck and I decided to go all out with a camping theme. OK I decided to go all out, but Chuck was crucial in setting up his old camping tent in the living room. 

I think the last time he had used it was when he and an eight year old Brittany camped in our backyard. We even found an old flashlight tucked away inside. 

The day before I had taken all the ornaments off our Christmas tree, and thought that we could set up a forest play area in our house. Along with the tree I put out my beloved Smokey the Bear with several forest themes books. I even have the original story of Smokey minus its Golden Book cover. 

I also made a campfire with an orange and red tissue paper fire tucked into a few logs.  Next to the fire I set out a kid-sized plastic lantern. I retrieved all the forest animal Beanie Babies stored in the barn, and placed them in and around the tree. 

Now that we were in a camping mood I had the boys help me make fire starters for our wood stove. I had been collecting dryer lint for two years in anticipation of one day owning a wood stove. The boys stuffed egg cartons with the lint, and I poured melted wax over each section of the carton. 

When they dried I cut them into twelve pieces, and later in the week when the weather allowed they worked like a charm staring a fire in our stove. 

I fixed grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, and we ate them on the floor on our red-checked table cloth spread out for a picnic. The oldest arranged everything for us by unpacking a picnic basket that had been a wedding gift from Chuck’s mom thirty-six years ago. 

Since our county is still under a burn ban an outdoor fire didn’t sound like a good idea when it came to making S’mores.  Not to worry, though. I knew with these boys’ imaginations they would have no trouble fueling the make believe fire in the living room. 

Chuck and I roasted  our marshmallows together with the boys discussing just how we liked them. They informed us that their Gigi and Pop had taught them how to roast marshmallows over a real fire when they had visited earlier in the year. 

We actually made our S’mores using the microwave, and if you haven’t done so it’s something you need to experience . The boys were delighted to watch the marshmallows puff up as they cooked before their eyes. 

The S’mores didn’t disappoint, and after gobbling them up we moved onto games. Chuck and the now six year old played checkers, and I must say that our oldest grandson is doing quite well when it comes to strategizing.

The three year old and I played an exciting game of Candy Land, and he was quite pleased with himself for winning. 

When it came time to go to sleep we retired to the tent where on the insistence of our middle grandson each one took turns telling spooky stories. He’s actually pretty talented at this considering his age. 

When the lights were turned out the boys didn’t last too long in their sleeping bags, which were Christmas presents from their Gigi and Pop. The oldest complained about being hot, and I knew the hard floor couldn’t be too comfortable. They ended up in the guest room bed, and fell asleep rather quickly. 

Around three in the morning the oldest made his way into our bedroom to inform me that his brother needed me. When I got to his room to check on him he informed me that he wanted to watch a show!

I assured him that we didn’t watch shows in the middle of the night, and he needed to return to bed. 

The next morning we enjoyed a breakfast of French Toast and bacon. Later that morning Brittany arrived to pick them up, and Chuck and I both took a well earned nap for the rest of the afternoon. LOL!

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