Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Atlas of the Heart

I was really excited about this book. I had seen it at Walmart and talk about judging a book by its cover. It was beautiful inside and out. 

When a neighboring community book store posted that they would be doing a discussion on the book in February, I was all in. 

When I first began reading this book by popular author and speaker Brene Brown, I was hopefully optimistic that I would not only enjoy reading it, but would learn something new as well. 

In her defense she did point out to me that our emotions go well beyond just happy, sad and mad. I began reflecting on certain experiences in my own life, and tried to identify which emotion was displayed. 

As I read further along I began to notice a pattern in her writing. It became obvious that we probably didn’t vote for the same candidate for president. It’s not that I could never read a book written by someone with a different opinion. What bothered me was her book about emotions had morphed into a book about her political point of view which she stated as fact and not opinion. 

I was curious how that would play out ten years down the road when the truth of history would have revealed itself. 

I also noticed that at this point in my life I’m no longer depending on myself and the world to solve my problems. I’ve put my trust in God to help me know which step or path to take next. 
It bothered me just a tad that she was doling out advice as an “expert” and yet she was under the care of her own therapist. I couldn’t help but wonder if we had the blind leading the blind here. 

I gave myself permission, reluctantly, to put the book down half way through. I realized I had never really considered what I would do in my challenge if I wasn’t enjoying the book. 

I ended up choosing a very short book from my library that could easily be finished in a few days to complete the week. 

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