Tuesday, September 14, 2021

My Why


I watched a really good video last night about resetting eating habits. I’m in the maintenance phase of WW and it’s always the hardest for me.

The presenter talked about your “Why” and I realized that I had lost mine. When the pandemic first hit it really motivated to get back on track. In fact, I actually lost weight, which really wasn’t my intention.

I faithfully walked up and down my hall each day thinking that if I was healthy I would have a better chance of recovering if I did get Covid. 

Today I can honestly say I have Covid exhaustion. Not as a lingering result of having had the virus, I have not, but having to adjust to life in this new and different world. 

The underlying low grade anxiety that seems to be a combination of the virus existing in the world, just completing a pretty stressful move, and transitioning into a new life, has gotten me off track.

It’s time to redefine my “Why.” 

My “Why” is that I am committed to making healthy choices because I want quality of life as I age. 

The choices and decisions I make today will help me avoid chronic disease that interferes with how I want to live my life. As Dr. Ben Edwards likes to say, “You are the cure.”

I want to be able to participate in my grandsons’ lives as long as I can. I don’t want to be lacking energy or suffering with pain due to my lifestyle choices. 

The presenter pointed out that if your “Why” is strong enough temptations have a lesser control over your life. I have found this to be true time and time again. 

Don’t let the child in the backseat pointing out every distraction drive the car. You are the adult with your hands on the wheel. You know what’s best, not the child behind you. 

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

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