Wednesday, January 22, 2020



I’m taking a Bible study about the book of Joshua and worry. As I’ve thought about it I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m pretty good about not worrying too much about day to day life. 

In my twenties I did worry more, because life didn’t seem to be turning out as I had envisioned, and as it was passing me by I worried that I would not have the life I had dreamed of. 

But if I’m to be completely honest the thing I do worry about today is the future. It’s uncertainty is what seems to get me. As I consider all the possible scenarios of what could possibly go wrong it starts to get me down. 

Yesterday I met a woman a few years older than me who has been through a lot in her life. She had dealt with and was dealing with some pretty challenging circumstances. And yet she seemed so upbeat and positive. 

How was it possible that someone who had suffered such tragedies could go on to live a full and happy life? She was realistic about her future, and even then she was resigned to making the best of it. 

I’m glad our paths crossed. I’ve been ruminating too long about my own future. I think going through my father’s health decline brought to my attention for the first time that aging isn’t for the faint of heart. 

However, as I think about my dad’s life he lived it to the fullest despite some pretty significant obstacles along the way. He lived very independently into his mid-eighties until it was just no longer possible. 

I don’t want to waste my sixties worrying about what might or might not happen in my eighties or nineties. So when I find myself thinking too much about the future I want to remember the woman I met who spends her days skiing, RVing and taking Riverboat cruises. 

I think she has the right idea!

“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.”
Chinese Proverb

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
Matthew 6:27

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