Monday, January 6, 2020

The Lynne Effect

The Lynne Effect

I never actually met Lynne. She was a Facebook friend whom I connected with through my son-in-law’s cousin. 

What I did know about Lynne, though, was that she was a Christian who attended her beloved church each Sunday. She was a mother and a grandmother. Just this December she was quite pleased to watch her son marry his beautiful bride. 

Recently Lynne started working out at the gym, and I encouraged her to start slowly, and not overdo. She was proud of the progress she was making. I had noticed over the last year that Lynne was struggling with some health issues. She had been in and out of the hospital, and was having to spend some time in rehab.

Last week she underwent spinal fusion surgery right after her son’s wedding. She was in rehab, and had posted a picture of her wearing a neck brace. Not to be discouraged she was participating in the Grandmother challenge, and had posted two days worth of pictures of her precious grandchildren. 

You can imagine my shock when a couple of days later the announcement of her passing popped up in my feed. Her oldest daughter was heartbroken at losing her mom so quickly and unexpectedly.

I didn’t really know Lynne. We had never actually met or spoken in person, and yet I felt a connection to her. I was saddened to hear of her death, and my heart went out to her children. 

It was then that I really began to learn more about her remarkable life. She had been a music teacher, and her students were posting how special she was to 
them. Lynne was one of those teacher favorites that students remember so 
fondly. The kind of teacher that really encourages her students to push themselves to excellence. 

She also taught piano lessons, and had shaped the lives of so many students along the way. Her life on the one level seemed so unassuming to me, but I was heartened to learn of her legacy. 

As I read the glowing tributes about her, it made me wonder if she truly knew what a difference she made in the lives of others. I know she had physical challenges at the end of her life, but I wished she had had an opportunity to read what others thought of her. 

It made me think about how often we just assume we will see someone again, and how we aren’t always quick to share with others how important they are to us. 

In honor of Lynne I’m enacting The Lynne Effect. I’m challenging each of you to reach out regularly to others to let them know how special they are to you Can you imagine the powerful effect this contagion of kindness could have on the world?

Who can you touch today with your message of love, encouragement and appreciation. 

Rest In Peace Lynne with your savior Jesus. 

“In my father’s house there are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”
John 14:2


  1. Shari, I was touched and encouraged by your story of Lynne. I have just the person today in mind to encourage! Thanks!
