Monday, January 21, 2019

That Darn Cat

That Darn Cat. 

This weekend was my precious grandson’s first birthday. Friday eveningwe picked up his other set of grandparents at the airport, and they were spending the night with us. Our plan was to leave early the next morning to make our way to our daughter and son-in-law’s home. 

Although, we are now living in a smart home with Alexa and an i phone, Chuck and I are still living in the nineties when it comes to alarm clocks. Heck, if it was good enough for us to use almost thirty years why shouldn’t it be good enough for us today?

Well, after what happened on Saturday we may have to rethink this one. 

I had set the alarm for 6:30, in order to hit the road by 8:00. When it went off that morning I got up and took my shower. After getting out of the shower, Chuck entered the bathroom and asked me if I knew what time it was? Well I was assuming some time around 6:45, but I was completely wrong. 

NO it was actually 4:45!!!!

Now, how in the world did that happen? I began to wonder if I was losing my mind? How in the world did the alarm go off two hours early?

And then it hit me. The CAT!!!

Normally Abby chooses not to sleep with us at night, but I think because Brittany’s in-laws were spending the night just down the hall the cat decided that our bed was the better choice. Except for when she didn’t. She made her way on and off of our bed several times that night, always announcing her presence with a loud purring sound. 

Her modus operandi was to jump on and off of the end table to make her way to the bed. Her almost fifteen year old body is not as spry as it once was, and I’m thinking that one of the times she jumped off she must have landed on the alarm clock just long enough to fast forward the hour by two. 

So there I was fully clean, but two hours too early. So what did I do? Well, went back to bed of course, and gave myself an extra thirty minutes to sleep. Except this time I asked Alexa to wake me up at seven.  

I guess it’s time to enter the twenty first century. 

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