Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Discover A New Way

Discover a new way. It's easy to always stick to the tried and true; to continue to do something because you've always done it that  way. However,  scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi states. "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen, and thinking what nobody has thought." For years people made hard boiled eggs by boiling them in water. In fact, I don't think anyone thought there was any other way to do them. But one day on the internet I noticed that someone recommended baking an  egg rather than boiling it. We tried it and voila hard boiled eggs that were creamier with a less sulfery taste. Who knew? Discovery includes looking for new ways to do old things. The results might just be pretty darn amazing. If you haven't tried baking an egg yet you just might want to give it a go.

Challenge: Think of something that you do every day. Do a quick search to see if there are alternative ways to accomplish the same goal. Jot down in your Discovery Journal the steps needed to accomplish it.  Give it a try. Think of something else you could try differently.

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