Thursday, October 8, 2015

Discover a Hobby

Discover a new hobby. I remember when I first retired I began looking for new ways to spend my time. One of the things I had always regretted was not learning how to crochet. My grandmother had tried to teach me years before, but I gave up way too soon because it felt awkward in my hands. I also knew that someday I would have a grandchild and that I would want to make him or her a blanket, and so my quest began. Between help from a friend, a really easy book, and you tube I was finally able to learn how to crochet. I spent hours in front of the television watching my favorite shows and crotcheting. It's actually quite relaxing. I made scarf after scarf until I felt confident in my stitches.  Discovering a new hobby is a way to stretch your abilities. It allows you to learn something new, to develop new skills, and to just enjoy yourself. With all the resources available online, it is just a matter of picking something you like and getting started. Remember to allow yourself a learning curve, and don't give up too soon like I did in my younger years. Discovering a new hobby may be just what you need to bring a little spark to your life.

Challenge: Use your Discovery Journal to make a list of three new hobby possibilities. Choose one and devote some time to researching it online. Make a trip to your local craft store and invest in what you need to get started. If you want, check to see if there is a class being offered in your area. Most of all have fun!


  1. I like to crochet. What is the best thing you've crocheted? I just made a poncho but it looks a little strange. I hope I wear it enough to offset the time and money for yarn.

    1. The best thing is a blanket for my soon to be born first grandchild. That's the reason I learned. Even though, some of my finished products are not award winning, I do enjoy it. It sounds like we have a lot in common.
