Thursday, October 29, 2015

Discover Discomfort

Discover discomfort. Now this may sound odd. Who would willingly choose discomfort over comfort? But take the advice of motivational speaker Brian Tracy, "Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." Not only discover discomfort when it comes to trying new things, discover that discomfort is not the end of the world. Learn to just go through those moments, and allow yourself the time  it takes to adjust to your new circumstances. Rarely is discomfort something that should hold you back from attempting. The value of the growth involved makes the discomfort all worth the effort. Think about something you gave been wanting to do, but have been holding back. Know that you may feel a little uncomfortable, but push yourself forward to the challenge.

Challenge: List three things you have been considering doing, but have had some reservations about because it was outside your comfort zone. Choose one and get started. Journal daily about your discomfort. See if your feelings change along the way.


  1. This is a challenge! I was just telling a friend how I'm holding back in being openhearted in a group I'm attending which aids Alzheimers patients by provided a musical experience every week. I don't feel uncomfortable around the participants but I feel uncomfortable with my role. She challenged me to stick to it and wait for the discomfort to pass.

  2. I think that is great advice. I think sometimes we just have to give things enough time for the discomfort to pass. I think I'd like to write a posting about that.
