Monday, August 5, 2024

The Olympics


The grandsons spent the night this past weekend, and in honor of the Olympics we held our own event. 

Prior to hosting I ordered a set of medals and inflatable torches. I already had a set of mini American flags. At Walmart I picked up a portable corn hole game and some orange field cones to set up some races. I covered a paper towel roll with black construction paper for a baton.  I purchased a package of golden Oreos and fruit roll ups to make an Olympic snack.

Chuck suggested having some Gatorade on hand for hydration. I asked Brittany to dress the boys in red, white and blue and downloaded the Star Spangled Banner and an opening song (NFL football) to be played on Chuck’s stereo speaker. 

I also happened to have three step stools that were perfect for awarding the medals. I found a Pinterest craft that we made after fixing our snack. All in all the preparations were a lot of fun as we anticipated the games. 

Now I must admit when you add a three year old in the mix everything did

 not go smooth as silk, but what the heck, a good time was had by all!

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