Monday, August 19, 2024

Change Your Environment


According to Dr. Edie Wadsworth, podcaster of House of Joy, “A different environment is a different way of seeing things.” 

Changing your environment can lead to big changes. I’ve noticed over the years that traveling to new places often results in a new perspective on life. My trip to Boston in 1976 totally changed the trajectory of my life. A recent trip to Florida brought to my attention something that was holding me back. 

However, it’s not always realistic to pack up and move to a completely new place just to initiate change. Sometimes it’s as simple as rearranging something in your home to make things work more efficiently.

Last year for my birthday I asked for a small portable desk to set up in the guest room. Although, I loved having a room designated for guests, it really didn’t  get that much use. I set up an area to do crafts and write with a beautiful view of the front of our property. By changing the environment I’ve spent more time doing things I enjoy. 

Probably my biggest challenge with environment is a place that we call Snack Central. We have a large walk-in pantry that holds most of our groceries, but I keep snacks in a smaller cabinet closer to the living room. I fill it with snacks I know my grandsons love, however it’s close proximity to tv watching makes it a little too easy for me to snack. 

I have moved some of those snacks back to the larger pantry, and that has helped some. Of course, not bringing them into the house in the first place makes the most sense. 

Sometimes when things become automatic, and we do them by default due to the ruts we have formed in our brain we need to shake things up. Take some time to do a walk through in your house, and see what you might be able to adjust to make it easier to accomplish the goals you have set.

How could you change your environment to help facilitate change in your life?

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