Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Change Your State

 Dr. Edie asks, “Have you ever had this feeling that you’re just living the same day over and over again?”

If this is true it’s based on the fact that you keep repeating the same thoughts. These thoughts create similar feelings, and you are caught in a loop of thoughts and actions. 

Remarkably, though, all of this is within your control. Just yesterday as I drove to babysit my grandson I heard Dave Ramsey say, “You are the problem, you are the solution.”

These thoughts that you refuse to let go of, these thoughts that you cling to all determine how you approach life based on the feelings they produce. But if you begin to rework those thought, new feelings will emerge, and this will result in a fresh state of mind. 

How could you challenge yourself to shake things up? Why remain the problem when you have control over the solution. I have found in the past that when I have control over my eating I feel more fulfilled in other areas of my life. 

I’m not so down on myself, and take pride in knowing that I can do hard things. This often opens the door to me trying other new things. 

Changing your thoughts results in changing your actions which then may set in motion environmental changes which all results in changing your state of mind. 

What changes do you need to make?

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