Saturday, August 17, 2024

Change Your Actions

 The tie between thoughts and actions is that by changing our thoughts to a more positive or compassionate spin we can become more motivated to change our actions. 

Continuing to do the same thing repeatedly, and expecting different results is as they say the definition of insanity. 

For me actions are the harder part of the deal. I’m more comfortable in my head, and have a tendency of getting caught in a thought loop. Even though, I may know what to do I’m not quick to act upon it. 

I use the excuse of not being highly goal oriented, and shy away from the accountability that comes with setting measurable goals. I’m an all or nothing kind of person so I’m not drawn toward small goals. Even though, I know from multitudes of research small goals can add up over time to success. My habit is to power through until I can no longer. 

As I think about why I am so hesitant to act I have to wonder if I allow my thoughts to sabotage my good intentions. I’ve never been highly competitive, and I wonder if that has more to do with sitting on the sidelines to avoid failure, humiliation and embarrassment.

You know nothing ventured, nothing gained, but nothing hurt along the way. 

As I’ve reviewed my thoughts about weight loss I wonder what small action I could put in place to get the ball rolling as they say. Rather than step on the scale very first thing each morning( which generally sets the mood for the day) maybe I should take the actions of Weight Watchers where we only weighed in weekly. 

Rather than trying to figure out what to eat in the afternoon maybe I should come up with an action that would take my mind off of eating. To be honest I can’t say I’m actually starving, I’m probably more bored than anything. 

And also I think I need to take better action on getting the proper amount of protein (which I’m finding is easier said than done). By eating enough protein you end up more satiated, and don’t find yourself craving sugar and carbs between meals. 

I used to think I was a real loser when it came to self-control until I made the connection between eating protein and feeling full longer. 

So if I’m wanting to get different results, I need to change my actions. I need to make a list of possible, realistic actions that can catapult me out of my rut. 

Next I’ll be exploring how changing your environment can lead you in a new direction. 

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