Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 I’ve been giving some thought to emotions lately. As I pondered “excitement” I realized that I rarely found myself excited anymore about much of  anything. I guess my adult sensibilities have gotten in the way. That actually made me feel sad. As I pondered my  three year old grandson and how he responds to excitement I couldn’t help but feel envious. 

When he gets excited he balls up his hands into two little fists, holds them both close to his chest right under his chin and squeals with delight.

I’ve been emulating him just in fun  because I think it’s so darn cute. But now I realize that maybe looking at the world through his eyes with childlike wonder might help reawaken my own excitement gene. When I follow his lead and mimic his excitement pose I do find myself feeling more excited. 

It wasn’t too long ago that we arrived home after a 4th of July fireworks show( which I must say got pretty exciting at the end) and as we entered through our gate we were welcomed by a flash of white. Along side our son-in-laws six black cows was a tiny white calf. Totally unexpected! 

Now we were caught quite off guard since Will had told us that the mommas would be calving in September. Right before we had left for the firework show Chuck had thought he saw something down in the pasture. We looked again and didn’t see anything thinking maybe he’d seen a coyote or a wild hog. 

I must say coming upon this unexpected surprise was quite exciting. That and the fact that it was pure white, considering it’s momma and the five other cows were jet black. The contrast made it even more special. 

I was giddy when I called Will to let him know about the new arrival. He was perplexed as well about the timing of it all. Just this morning as I left I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the little white bull. He’s so darn cute! Maybe being excited has more to do with being open to excitement, and responding to it like a three year old!

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