Wednesday, August 21, 2024


The other day I was listening to Dave Ramsey, and he pointed out that, “You are the problem, and you are the solution.” 

This hit me like ton of bricks. Generally my actions and reactions cause the “problems” in my life. And remarkably choosing a different action or reaction could be the “solution.”

What do I actually have control over in my life? If a thought comes to mind, guess what I can choose to change my thought patterns. If my actions don’t result in the desired results I can try something different. 

My problem has been out of control eating and weight gain. My solution is to use my WW app to get back on track. I’ve had three good days so far. Sometimes for me that’s all it takes to get the ball rolling. 

I know that attending live WW meetings is not realistic for me, but there is no reason I can’t join a virtual meeting. The problem isn’t not knowing what to do, the problem is actually following through. 

I know that a month from now I could be stuck exactly where I am now, or up another pound or two, or down to my desired weight. I really don’t have that much to lose. 

So I’m going to grab onto the power of problem/solution, take the bull by the horns as they say and get ready for day four. 

What problem are you causing, and how can you be the solution?


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