Friday, November 8, 2019

The Finger

The finger. 

Nobody likes a good prank more than my husband, Chuck. Unfortunately since he’s married to a stick-in-the-mud he rarely gets a chance to pull a prank. 

That’s why he really gets into the trick side of Halloween each year, where tricks are just part of the fun. He takes great pleasure in offering acorns along with Snickers to unsuspecting trick or treaters. This year I talked him out of it, but he wasn’t to be curtailed when it came to tricking Brittany. 

He was able to procure a rubber finger from a Halloween display his work group had created, and knew immediately what he wanted to do. We just so happened to be babysitting the grandsons that weekend, and Chuck had a plan to leave the finger in Brittany’s refrigerator hoping for the expected reaction of finding a severed finger next to some left over macaroni and cheese. 

Ironically, it was the stick-in-the-mud who suggested hiding it in a box of yogurt tubes. I knew that it usually was only partially opened, and Brittany would have to lift the flap to retrieve a tube for breakfast the next morning. 

Sure enough Brittany reached in, and let out a scream. She knew immediately who was the culprit, and texted her Dad. Chuck proceeded to laugh all morning as he was getting ready for work. 

Later that evening our daughter reported that our youngest grandson was scared to death of the finger after being chased around the house by his brother through out the morning. 

He kept saying, “Papa?” which is leading us to believe that he might think that Chuck is missing a finger. 

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