Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Encouraging Word

The Encouraging Word

If there was one thing you could do to help someone out, and it really didn’t require much effort or preparation would you do it?

Well I think most of you would say, “Of course!”

Believe it or not, simply offering encouragement to someone else is priceless. 

When we are struggling we may think our situation is unique, and we may find ourselves alone. However, the beauty of life is that we all share a common humanity. 

What that means is that we have had common struggles as well as common joys. When we reach out to another, even in the simplest of ways we can start a chain reaction. 

The smile offered to a stranger, might result in that stranger holding the door open for the next person they come across. 

A kind word on Facebook, a phone call or text are all ways of making connections with others. 

Look for ways that YOU can offer encouragement. Plant those seeds, and they will come back when you are in need. 

Who can you encourage today?

“Therefore encourage one another, and build one another up...”
1Thessalonians 5:11

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