Monday, August 19, 2019

The Downside of Comfort

The downside of comfort.

If I were to ask you how comfortable you are with your life, what would you say?

What if I told you that there might be a way to help you achieve your dreams, except that it would require you to sacrifice one thing?

What would that one thing be, and would it be worth it?

Would it surprise you to know that that one thing is comfort?

According to the authors of The 12 Week Year, Brian P. Morgan and Michael Lennington:

“The number one thing that you will have to sacrifice to be great, to achieve what you are capable of, and to execute your plans, is your comfort.” 

As I thought about it, I realized that I live a pretty comfortable life overall. As I thought about it some more, I wondered if I was not fulfilling my potential because I clung to being comfortable?

Would it be worth it to risk comfort in exchange for something potentially meaningful?

Morgan and Lennington also state:

“Without a compelling reason to choose otherwise, most people will take comfortable action over uncomfortable ones.”

I wonder if I have a “compelling reason”?

Do you?

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