Thursday, June 28, 2018

Changing Direction

Changing direction. 

Yesterday I decided to take Cooper out for a walk before the temperature reached one hundred degrees. When I stepped out the door I felt a cool breeze, and decided the walk might not be so bad after all. 

As we continued down the sidewalk out of the shade, and into the sun I began to question whether we should have gotten up an hour earlier to take our walk. We turned the corner, and made our way all the while becoming more and more uncomfortable due to the heat. 

Eventually, we took a right, and everything changed. We were met by a cool southern breeze, and instantly the temperature change began to make the walk enjoyable. As I thought about it I began to think about how sometimes in life all we really need to get us motivated is a change of direction. 

Just like how the wind changing the temperature made all the difference, considering changing direction in our life might be all we need to improve our satisfaction.  A friend of mine recently accepted a new job in the same field, but in a completely different venue.

 She moved from the public sector to the private, and seemed quite enthusiastic about her upcoming experience. She still had an opportunity to do what she loved, and make a difference in the lives of children. Changing directions for her seemed to be a smart move.  

Rather than continue down the same path consider changing directions, and embrace the winds of change. 

"Still, most of the time the sun baked us like biscuits right through the windshield."
Whistling Past the Graveyard
Susan Crandall

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