Friday, June 8, 2018

Living in the Moment

Living in the moment. 

My cat Abby is one who truly lives in the moment. She's either happy or not, but either way she's going to let you know about it. 

As I write she is literally sitting on my chest purring loudly letting me know that she is happy. She steals a lot of moments throughout her day finding a way to be either on Chuck's or my lap. It is there that she seems most content. 

Of course, she might disagree when given the choice between lap time and food. If she's hungry or even if she's not, she's going to let you know about it repeatedly. At that moment you better feed her because she is relentless, and won't give up. 

Abby spends most of her day shuffling between the dining room chair, and the dining room rug. She used to meander between all six chairs until my sister gave me the tip to put a dryer sheet on the chairs that were off limits. Right now she has ownership of a comfy captain's chair covered with a towel. 

In the morning don't even think you are going to get to sleep in. Her majesty will you know that you have forgotten to fill her bowl with a loud wail, that is followed by a sweet meow as soon as you you stumble out of the bedroom to feed her. Abby is a girl who knows what she wants, when she wants it, and she pretty much gets her way most of the time. 

Yes, Abby doesn't waste time worrying about her past or future. She lives in the moment enjoying her life, and allowing us to go along for the ride. 

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