Friday, June 2, 2023

All’s Well

“All’s well, that ends well,” is a lesson I taught my five year old grandson today, along with not giving up when things don’t go as planned. 

He had been hard at work assembling his latest Lego set when it appeared that he was missing a critical piece. I tried to convince him to continue without it, but he was adamant that he didn’t want to. His enthusiasm for the project took a 180 degree turn for the worse. 

In my attempt to address the teachable moment of not allowing one wrong thing to get you off track I decided to look for the piece in another set. After combing through several sets I was able to locate a matching piece. 

He continued on until he realized that he had inadvertently placed the “missing piece” in the wrong location. As it turned out he had all the pieces he needed, and within a matter of moments he had completed his Miles Morales car. 

After a quick reading of The Tortoise and the Hare to reinforce tenacity and not giving up so quickly, I ended the lesson with, “All’s well that ends well.”

Later He asked if I could post his Lego car on my blog, so how could I not comply. 

I’ve found that a lot of those old adages we learned as kids are well worth continuing to teach to our kids today. 

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