Monday, August 17, 2020

Green Salad

Green Salad

I’m calling this one Green Salad, because everything in it is green. Now before Mrs. Pennington, my high school home ec teacher objects, this monochromatic dish actually was quite eye appealing.

Each ingredient had a different shade of green, and made for a delicious salad. My original intent was to find a way to add raw cabbage to my diet. I had read that cabbage is full of nutrients, and may help reduce chronic inflammation. 

The basic ingredients are cabbage, defrosted frozen green peas, English cucumber, and green onions. 

Now if you are not a green pea fan you might be surprised at how different they taste uncooked in a salad. I grew up eating only canned peas, and they were basically the bane of my existence.

I imagine my mother looking down from heaven and scratching her head at how much I enjoy peas today. Although, we were required to eat everything on our plate, she did allow me to pick the peas out of my chicken pot pie occasionally when she and my Dad would go out for dinner, and leave us behind with the babysitter. 

The dressing for this salad is quite simple, and includes apple cider vinegar. Make sure you buy the apple cider vinegar that is raw and unfiltered. I like Bragg Organic, and will be doing another post on the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar in your diet in the future. 

I’m including the recipe below:

Let me know what you think. 

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