Thursday, August 6, 2020

Pico de Gallo

Fermented Pico de Gallo

I wanted to share with you a recipe for fermented Pico de Gallo that Chuck and I have made. Again I have to give Chuck the credit for encouraging me to try fermenting food. His interest prompted me to buy him a fermenting kit for 

We were excited to make the Pico this time because we were going to be able to use the jalapeños that we grew on our back porch garden. I’m happy to report that we actually have tomatoes growing (from some sprouted seeds from a tomatoes I was cutting up for BLTs.), however they are not ready to be picked yet. 

The ingredients needed for Pico are tomatoes, jalapeños, white onion, cilantro, garlic, and salt. 

Chuck diced up the tomatoes relatively small. We used my handy dandy onion chopper to easily dice the onions. Chuck seeded and diced the jalapeños quite tiny so as not to overpower anyone bite. 

I cut off the stems from the cilantro, and Chuck chopped up the leaves. He also diced the garlic quite small as well. 

We put all of it in a large bowl and added the salt. Remember to add an extra teaspoon of salt if you are planning on fermenting your Pico. We mixed it together, and scooped it into mason jars. 

Because we have the fermenting kit, Chuck used the wooden tamper to push down the mixture into the jar. We topped it with a glass weight to make sure it was completely covered, and not being exposed to air. 

Then we used the special lid with the air slit in order to allow the carbon dioxide to escape during the fermentation process. We will let our Pico sit out in a cool, dark place ( the shelves in our laundry room) and will check on it in about five days. I usually jot down the date we made it on the calendar to help us keep track of the time. 

Then after a few days we will check it. If we are not satisfied with the taste (sometimes it’s still too salty) we will let it sit a little longer. 

After that we keep it in the fridge, and replace the lid with the metal lid that comes with the jar. I’ve been told it can last for several months in the fridge, but I guarantee it won’t be there long enough to find out. 

I’m looking forward to some pretty yummy breakfast tacos when it’s done. 

I've included the recipe below:

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