Monday, July 22, 2019

Poop Patrol

Poop patrol

I was backing out of my driveway the other day when I noticed a small pick-up truck parked at my neighbors. There was a man sitting on the curb beside the truck, and I almost stopped to lament the absurdity that picking up poop was now an actual business. 

I promise you twenty years ago nobody except the ultra rich were paying someone else to pick up their dog’s poop. That being said, at the same time I couldn’t help but be impressed by the entrepreneurial spirit of the first pooper scooper. 

There was a need, and it was met. Picking up poop is one of those unpleasant tasks that has to be done. Why not pay someone else a few extra bucks to do so? You end up with a yard you can walk barefoot in, and someone providing the service earns a living. 

Of course, I couldn’t leave well enough alone, and got to thinking about how only people with disposable income would have the money to procure such a service. Or if you are like me, and particularly frugal, the thought of spending your hard earned dollars on poop retrieval just doesn’t sit well. 

It was then I got to thinking about universal poop removal as a human right. Why should I be denied a clean backyard when the tax dollars of myself and others might make the service “free.”

You know back in the day politicians used to promise, “A chicken in every pot.” Today the promise of universal poop removal for your canine companions might be the winning ticket. 

Welcome to the election cycle folks. 

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