Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Best Mom Ever

Best mom ever!

I called my daughter mid-morning the other day, and she informed me that the boys were in the bathtub. Knowing they usually bathe at night I asked her why?

Apparently they had been playing in the backyard earlier when a sudden storm popped up. They sat on the covered porch watching the rain come down until it stopped a few minutes later. 

It was then, I’m assuming, the oldest asked if they could play in the mud puddles. I only say this because the youngest’s language is quite limited. However, to be honest, I could see him thinking it up because it sounds just like him. 

Of course, having the best mom ever they proceeded to have a ball playing in the puddles. 

When they were through they made their way to the tub for a quick clean-up, which is actually quite fun in itself when you are bathing with your brother. 

So glad my grandsons have a mom who knows what’s really important in life, and a mom that can be there to do so. Thanks Brittany for being the best mom ever!

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