Monday, June 24, 2019

Cathedral Builder

Cathedral builder. 

I came across an old parable recently that was based on the great fire of London in 1666. It goes like this:

Three men were working on the same job. When asked what he was doing, the first man replied that he was laying bricks. The second’s response was that he was building a wall, while the third man shared that he was building a cathedral. 

Now all three men were doing exactly the same thing.  The only difference was in their attitude. The cathedral builder looked passed the mundane action of laying brick after brick, and envisioned the final product-a glorious cathedral built to honor his maker. 

In life we can find ourselves having to do things that we may find boring or monotonous, but how we choose to react to these circumstances can make all the difference. Just like a cathedral is built brick by brick, our life kind of works the same way. 

When we have a vision of the future we want each brick laid can be a reminder of the cathedral we are working toward. This is why you find people doing the simplest of jobs who bring such a joy and light to what they do. 

They understand that their job is more than just a way to pay the bills, but rather a way to make a difference in someone’s life. 

How is your cathedral building coming along?

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