Monday, April 1, 2019

Brave Enough

Brave enough. 

One of my teacher friends, Rachel, stepped into a completely new position this year, and according to her, “To say this year has been a learning curve is a huge understatement. I learn something new everyday!”

She then included the words of Jon Acuff, “Be brave enough to be bad at something new.” I admire Rachel taking on something new this far along in her career. In many ways it would have been easier to do what she knew and was really good at, however, she bravely went back to school to learn something completely new. 

It seems that we are hardwired to stick with things we already know, even though the unknown might actually benefit us in the long run. It’s the whole “enemy that you know” scenario. 

Although, I never left teaching I did branch out to teach different grade levels including a special reading program, and even a two year stint in middle school. Although, at times I found myself returning to something I had taught before, I never regretted stepping out of my comfort zone to try that something new. 

Being brave as we have learned is not the absense of fear. Rather it’s doing something in spite of the fear. Allowing ourselves that learning curve is the secret to trying new things. 

This can be harder if we’ve based our identity on being “perfect.” I like the concept of not living the same year twice, and taking advantage of new learning that comes along your way. If there is something you have been considering doing allow yourself the grace to become a beginner again. 

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