Monday, February 25, 2019

There For a Reason

There for a reason. 

Over the last two years I’ve had two individuals come into my life that have left me scratching my head as to why?

One began as a promising friendship, which quickly became completely one-sided, while the other literally broke my heart. 

At first I rationalized that meeting these two people had more to do with bad luck than anything else, but recently I came across something that made me feel differently. In a blog post written by Karen Salmansohn, 6 Reasons Why We Meet People For a Reason-Not by Accident, I have come to the conclusion that I needed to learn the lessons these two offered me. 

Sometimes we kid ourselves into thinking that only the good things are the meant to be things in our lives, when often times just the opposite is true. Sometimes we need to go through the hard times in order to come out the other side stronger and wiser. 

Sometimes, too, we need to learn the compassion required to understand all different types of people. If you are like me, sensitive to others’ opinions, sometimes you just have to learn that it’s not always all about you. 

Yes, you might suffer the consequences of someone else’s actions, but the reasons behind their actions may have nothing to do with you at all. 

So the next time you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation wondering how and why you got there, maybe asking yourself, “What lesson is this person trying to teach me?” might be the better way to view your circumstances.

Salmansohn, also discusses five other categories of people we meet along the way, and how to better understand the role they might play in your life. If you are interested in learning more I’ve included the link below:

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