Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Being Disliked

Being disliked. 

I came across a book the other day whose title caught my attention. The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. 

As I thought about being disliked it left me with an uncomfortable feeling. To be honest I would prefer to be liked. 

However, in thinking about it I realized that in some circumstances taking an unpopular stand is the right thing to do. Not speaking out or standing up for someone else might be the safer, easier thing to do, but not the honorable thing to do. 

Remember having courage does not mean that you are not afraid. Rather, courage is taking action in spite of that fear. 

I suppose it is our human nature and our need to belong that drives us to not rock the boat. Rejection can leave us isolated from the safety of the herd, and leave us feeling hurt and abandoned. It is not a pleasant emotion. 

Going around purposely not caring what others think, challenging the displeasure of others, is probably not a very satisfying way to live in the long run, because we all need friends in our corner. 

However, the next time you feel compelled to speak out, but are afraid,  try to muster up the courage to share your thoughts. They might just be what someone else needs to hear. 


  1. Absolutley. I was taught to stand by my convictions. If someone does not like you for who you are that is their problem not yours. I accept people as they are. If I cannot, I dont go where they are found.
