Monday, February 11, 2019

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning. 

“It is called lifelong learning and actually you can't get through life without it. If you've bought a new piece of technology, even an instapot or air fryer, you know something now that you didn't know a year ago. Continue to learn and learn intentionally.”
Kathleen Whitson

My high school speech teacher “Miss Krebbs” shared this comment the other day on Face Book. I loved the way she included something as simple as a new cooking appliance in the realm of lifelong learning. 

I think sometimes when we think about continuing our education we automatically think we need to return to the classroom. Although, for some this may be the right thing, for many of us it really isn’t an option. 

It’s here that we need to broaden our definition of lifelong learning. Each time we are exposed to something we didn’t know before we are learners. Each time we watch a movie or read a book about a time in history that was unfamiliar to us we are learners. If we visit a museum or a presidential library we are learners. 

Each trip to the zoo exposes us to something we may not have known before. With smart phones and tablets at our disposal we can always learn more about anything. Each time we step out the door for a walk we can plug into a podcast that can broaden our horizons. 

Trying a new recipe, experimenting with a new craft, and listening to a new style of music are just a few ways that our education continues. Allowing ourselves to be a beginner again, with all the ups and downs that come with learning something new, will reiterate the value of lifelong learning. 

I find myself judging my happiness often times in terms of how interesting my life is at that moment. Being a lifelong learner always keeps me interested. 

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