Monday, October 28, 2019


(Originally posted on May 2, 2016)

There is power in saying yes. Yes seems to get the ball rolling. It opens doors and possibilities. 

Singer-songwriter Jason Mraz believes, "Yes is the key that unlocks potential." 
One definition of potential according to Mirriam Webster is, "existing in possibility." I love that! What a wonderful way to view the world. 

Mraz also states that yes, "...really is the key to creativity and that creativity doesn't happen if you say no." Using a key as a visual fits beautifully with the idea of unlocking potential and possibilities. 

Sometimes committing to yes is difficult. It might force you out of your comfort zone.  It might open the door to ridicule or rejection if you fall short. It might be hard to fit it into your already busy schedule. Saying no might just be easier. But life really is one opportunity after another, and each of those opportunities allow us to learn more about our world and ourselves. 

Now when I'm talking about yes, I don't mean one more committment, one more batch of cookies, or one more committe post. I'm talking about something you've always wanted to do, for whatever reason you've always talked yourself out of it. 

Maybe today is the day to say yes. 

Creativity Suggestion 

Travel Journal 

I started a travel journal years ago when Chuck and I first got married. Now full with disclosure here I still have not recorded all the trips we have taken over the years into the actual journal. I find that somewhat tedious at times, and I am easily bored. That being said, my practice has been to record it usually on the complementary notepad provided by the hotel. As I think about a more creative way to do a travel journal, I can’t help but think making it a little bit more like a scrapbook might be better. Im thinking maybe including things like ticket stubs, or possibly a picture or two. Using colored inks or travel stickers found at Hobby Lobby could help jazz it up. Use your imagination and enjoy the process as you relive your adventures. 

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