Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Creative Pursuits

Creative Pursuits
(Originally posted on February 18, 2016)
How do you view creativity? 

Is it a necessity or an option? Doreen Marcial Poreba believes, "Seeing creativity as a necessity means it's not optional; you feel it's a requirement in your life."

In the past when I did not make creativity a priority, I felt a restlessness in my life. I kept thinking something was missing, but could never quite put my finger on it. 

Retirement brought me the gift of time, and creativity became a part of my life. I've made a list of my creative pursuits, and perhaps they might give you a few ideas. Journalist Bill Moyer believes, "Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous." I have to agree. 

Writing: Blogging
Art Journal
Bible Journaling
Knitting and Crocheting

Creativity Suggestion 


If you are a little hesitant to draw, because like me, you might find your talent lacking, then doodling might be right up your alley. Doodling does not actually have to be an identifiable object. Rather it can be a series of lines and squiggles. For some people doodling is actually a way to stay focused while listening to someone speak. Doodling is just another creative outlet that can be pursued without too much trepidation as to the final result. Grab a marker or two, and get to doodling. 

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