Friday, October 25, 2019

The Journey

The Journey
(Originally posted on February 23, 2016)

You have probably heard the words, "It's the journey, not the destination that is important "

I think perhaps it really is both, however, sometimes we are in such a rush to get to the destination that we overlook the journey.  Our society is very results oriented. If there is no score or bottom-line then people assume there is little value. 

However, when it comes to creativity, the journey is the hidden pot of gold. You see most of us will never make our living through our creative pursuits. Most of us will not be recognized by the world for our creative accomplishments. But the value of expressing ourselves through creativity is what sweetens the journey. 

There is something about being involved in an activity that when you look up you wonder where the time went. This is called flow, and it is that rare experience where time seems to stand still. You are so involved in the moment that you lose track of time. It is a sweet feeling, and the satisfaction it brings is great. 

Look for small ways to express yourself creatively.  I know for me, I find great pleasure in writing. I do not consider it a chore, and look forward to the time I can devote to this pursuit. There is certainly nothing wrong with the destination, but enjoy the journey more. 

Creativity Suggestion 


In today’s minimalistic world collections do not seem to hold the appeal they once did. I have been a collector most of my life, and only at the age I am now have slowed down in this pursuit. Collections can be like treasure hunts as you find things along the way that are just perfect to add to your accumulation. Perhaps my most fun collection has been the thimbles I have collected over the last thirty-four years from many of the places I have visited. Because of their tiny size they fit perfectly in a printers tray which takes up very little room in my house. Each time I gaze at it I am brought back to a different time in my life. I suppose this is really a collection of memories more than anything. What do you collect?

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