Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Wander Society

The Wander Society
(Originally posted on January 4, 2017)

I'm contemplating becoming a member.

 "Society wants us to live a planned existance, following paths that have been travelled by others. Tried and true. The known, the expected, the controlled, the safe."

These are the words of Keri Smith, author of an intriguing book entitled The Wander Society. Wandering does not have to be a place that you visit, it can be a state of mind. Allowing your thoughts to wander is a way to spur on your own creativity. 

Recently, I saw an "out of the box" idea on Face Book. Amazon has come up with a clever idea surrounding the many millions of boxes that are delivered during the Christmas season. Instead of throwing them out, why not fill them up with items you no longer need or want, and use a free shipping label to send them to Goodwill? I'm always impressed by ingenuity. 

I'm thinking that members of the Wander Society are probably comfortable doing things in a new and different way. They might find themselves asking "Why?" and "Why not?" more than most. A wanderer probably will embrace adventure and risk as opposed to the familiar.  I'm hoping to find myself wandering more in the next year. 

Creativity Suggestion 

Just Do It

I’m borrowing this expression, but there is a lot of truth in it. Thanks for reading along about creativity for the last thirty-one days. I’ve included thirty creativity suggestions, and I hope you were inspired to try at least one. What I’ve realized is that I am a creative person who craves creativity in my life. I hope that you have opened up to your inner critic. 

Next month I’ll be back to my M-W-F posting hoping still to encourage you on your own journey. Until then I hope you find grace daily in your life, and your interactions with those sent along your path. 

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