Friday, October 18, 2019

Artist Date

Artist Date
(Originally posted on January 7, 2019)

Author and artist Julia Cameron promotes in her classic book, The Artist's Way something called the artist date. She describes this as,
 "An artist date is a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist."

This is an opportunity for you to carve out time each week to spend on a creativity excursion. In the pursuit of creativity it is critical that you are open to observing your surroundings. I have found that ideas seem to flow when I expose myself to good books, movies, podcasts, and discovery. Just being out and about can spark an idea that can be expressed in some creative way. 

My artist date this week was a soap quest. Recently, we started using some fancy, and handmade soaps that I had received as gifts. The difference between regular grocery store soap, and these higher quality soaps was very apparent, and Chuck and I decided to spend a little more on soap each month. 

I began my quest at a local craft mall, and spent some time checking out their selection. Along the way I came across some vintage style gift tags that had been made by an artist out of Weatherford. I was instantly enchanted, because they were perfect for my art journal. I had been missing this creative outlet, and these simple tags really inspired me to get started again. 

To be honest I did not find any soap that I was too crazy about, so I continued down the road to Whole Foods. I knew that they sold hand-crafted soaps, and wanted to check them out. Unfortunately, their cost per pound didn't quite fit into my budget, so I left without purchasing any. 

I traveled to Home Goods next, because I had purchased soaps there before as gifts for friends, and knew that they had good prices. I picked up two bars, and gave some thought to possibly making my own soap in the future. I had already pinned several examples on Pinterest, but had been hesitant becomes some soap requires lye. I think I’ll check into it some more.

What I enjoyed most, though, about my artist date was that although I didn't come away with homemade soap, I did come away with a new idea for my art 
journal. At first I was a little disappointed about the soap, but then I realized 
that being open to possibilities was the true aim of the artist date, and not just checking something off my to do list. 

Creativity Suggestion

Plan a Day Trip

Chuck and I have enjoyed taking day trips around the metroplex lately. With six weeks of vacation sometimes it’s just easier to stay close to home. One of our
favorite trips was to Waco to do all things Chip and Joanna. Just this past weekend we attended a class on herbs at North Haven Gardens in Dallas, had Reuben sandwiches at Cindy’s New York Deli, shopped at the Whole Earth Provision Company, and hung out at the Farmers Branch Historical Park. We played a game of checkers, and I took a plethora of photos to post on Instagram. The weather was perfect, and the day couldn’t have been any more enjoyable. Look for fun trips around your community to spark your creativity. 

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