Friday, September 20, 2024

Problem Solved

 As I was in the kitchen today while babysitting my three year old grandson, I could tell that he had become frustrated with something he was doing in the playroom. 

One of his favorite things to do is play with the collection of tractors and trucks that belong to him and his older brother. He really does a great job of playing independently, and I enjoy listening to him while he’s playing. 

After a moment or two of frustration he began to cry. My first instinct, of course, was to run back to help him. But, instead, I thought about how if you never experience frustration you never have the opportunity to figure things out on your own. 

It was then that I heard him say, “Oh, yah I can make it!” I knew how happy he must have felt in that moment. Me wanting to rush in to fix things would have actually been counter productive, because he would never have had the chance to figure it out by himself. 

I really enjoy watching this little boy become more confident each day in what he is capable of doing. I give his parents all the credit for raising independent, competent boys. 

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