Monday, September 9, 2024

Out of the Mouths of Babes


My youngest grandson just turned three this summer. His little personality is really shining through, and he always keeps me laughing.

One of his favorite words is “actually.” He’s quite cute when he’s in the middle of a sentence and he throws in the word “actually.”

He does a remarkable Greta Thunberg, with an identical rendition of “How dare you.”

The other day as he was choosing a dum dum sucker he said, “Mimi I picked a green one. This one says guacamole!”

Later that day my daughter called to relay some information I didn’t want him to hear. She popped off about me having the speaker on, and I countered with how was I supposed to know what she was calling about when I answered the phone. 

He immediately ran up and admonished me, “Mimi, don’t frustrate my mommy!” He definitely jumped to her defense. Brittany and I both got a good laugh out of that one. 

His favorite movie is Pure Country, and the other day he told me he wanted to play the guitar with George Strait. Playing the guitar is another one of his favorite things to do, and he’s “actually” pretty good!

I sure love this little boy!

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