Friday, May 7, 2021

Dinosaur Garden

Last week one of my friends posted on Facebook a dinosaur garden that she and her grandson had created. 

I couldn’t wait to make one with my grandsons. I quickly messaged her to see where she found her supplies. She sent me the Amazon links, and I ordered them right away. 

A few days later a small volcano arrived, along with a notification that the main part of the order, the actual dinosaurs and trees would not arrive until mid May. 

Not to be discouraged I began looking around the house to see what we might use. I then made a trip to Dollar Tree, and Hobby Lobby. 

I arrived with a bag full of supplies, and we got to work creating the garden. 

I had already decided that the sand and water table in the back yard would be the perfect container. I had received a call a few days before from my oldest grandson letting me know that the table was full of water due to the rain, and that he had dumped it out, and wanted to put it in the sun to dry. 

When I arrived on the first day we drug it out in the sun, and made plans to get started the next day. 

The boys had a great time arranging the rocks, and plastic greenery. We used a blue peanut butter jar lid as a pond, and filled it with water. 

The oldest grandson carefully arranged the small rocks around the trees, and the youngest began placing dinosaurs strategically in the garden. 

It really looked great. When I arrived home the original order had arrived, and I was quite pleased at the quality. 

The next time I’m there we will add the rest of the stuff, and the Dinosaur Garden should be complete. 

I’m hoping the boys have fun with their new creation. 

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