Monday, June 15, 2020



Now I admit I basically eat the same thing every day for lunch. I know this sounds boring, but I really don’t mind. 

My current favorite lunch is an Amy’s burrito topped with my favorite Walmart salsa. I add a carrot along with some broccoli crowns, and serve this with classic hummus. Sometimes I’ll include a clementine.

Another option for me is a sandwich using reduced calorie bread. I’ve found these 45 calorie slices to be just fine.

I use mustard instead of mayonnaise, and my favorite choice of lunch meat is Mesquite smoked turkey breast. I do usually add a slice of Deli Deluxe American cheese. 

As much as I love chips I often substitute an apple instead. Now the secret to the apple is all in how you slice it. I usually buy a bag of small Gala apples, and slice them paper thin. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed these, and how satisfying they really are. I’m thinking it’s the crunch that does the trick.

Sometimes I have leftovers from dinner for lunch. The other day our leftovers were chicken salad and quinoa salad. Whenever I make a salad that requires mayonnaise I usually substitute nonfat yogurt for about half the mayo. You still want to include some mayo for the taste. 

I found this ready made quinoa at Walmart which made this salad super easy. Remember, though, that any kind of grain can be higher in points so be aware of portion size. Check out Pinterest for salad ideas. 

Now back in the pre-pandemic days when I used to meet friends for lunch I would try my best to choose restaurants that had a variety of healthy options. Some of my favorite places are Zoey’s Kitchen, Panera Bread, Corner Bakery, and Chick-fil-a.  Of course, you still have to be mindful about what you order, but they really do have some tasty options.

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