Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What a Difference a Day Makes

What a Difference a Day Makes

It’s amazing how much a little sunshine can contribute to my happiness. We’ve spent the last week locked up in our homes looking out the window at a sea of gray. Today the sun is shining, and I’m sitting out on my back porch enjoying this beautiful day.

You’ll be happy to know that the baby bluebirds have hatched, and Mama and Daddy are busy bringing them dinner. Each time they land on the bluebird box you can hear the chirping sound of the babies inside. Their reaction to their next meal reminds me of my own. 

They are unaware that the world is standing still at this moment in time due to something called the Corona virus. I checked in with my 93 year old aunt today, and I can tell her spirits are waning. She can leave her room to walk up and down the halls, but her life has definitely been changed in the course of a week. 

I’m wishing everyone a good day, and sending my prayers your way. Like I reminded my aunt, we are all in this together. Don’t forget to reach out to someone today. 


  1. A little sun goes a long way to lifting my spirits. I had dinner on my patio and enjoyed the cool breeze. Today was a wonderful gift after the week we have had. Stay safe and be blessed.
