Monday, March 9, 2020

The Attraction

The Attraction

Okay, I’m going to begin with the backstory here. Several years ago Chuck purchased a foam exercise roller to help with some back issues he was having. The roller sat inside our closet propped up against some shelves when not in use. 

One day I entered the closet, looked down, and noticed the roller had about a hundred bite marks all up and down it. Apparently the cat had gone to town exercising her cat given right to bite it to shreds. I had no idea what the attraction was except that the cat seemed to have been compelled to destroy it. 

Fast forward to about a year later when the cat was spending more time outside in our fenced in backyard. At the time we had a pool, and a couple of pool noodles that were easily accessible to anyone who felt inclined to use them. 

One day I reached down to pick up the pool noodle when I noticed that it too had been attacked by the cat. In fact, both noodles had succumbed to her fangs. If you’ve ever tried to float on a scratched up pool noodle it is not a pleasant experience. 

After moving to our new neighborhood, with a neighborhood pool, I purchased a couple of noodles for Chuck and I to use on our occasional jaunts to the pool. I kept these out in the garage without giving it much thought. 

A couple months back Chuck was doing some garage organization when he brought in the two pool noodles for my inspection. They both had been repeatedly bitten, just like the old noodles. 

Now how could this possibly be since the cat was a completely indoor animal at this point? As I pondered the mystery it hit me that a few weeks back the cat had accidentally spent the night in the garage. I had left the door open while I was doing some cleaning in the evening, and she must have snuck into the garage from the house.  

I hate to say it that I never noticed she was missing.
 that night, but the next morning I was quite surprised to find her waiting for me on the other side of the door. Of course, I had no idea how she had really spent the night before. 

Apparently, as she nosed around the garage she had come across the unsuspecting pool noodles, and had wasted no time in obliterating them. I have no idea what her fascination is with these things, but what I do know is that thanks to her I’ll be replacing these things once again. 

Luckily they are inexpensive enough, but I’ve learned to purchase them early in the season, as if you wait too long they are no longer available. 

Once again this “darn cat” has kept me on my toes, and has challenged my own “noodle” to outwit her uncontrollable attraction to pool noodles. I wonder if it’s kind of like popping bubble wrap?

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