Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Redneck Beach

The Redneck Beach

You gotta love country kids. No need for a fancy country club membership to the pool when the big puddle in your gravel driveway will do just fine. 

This is the first week of the Corona Virus quarantine, and unfortunately the weather hasn’t fully cooperated. Especially when you have a two year old and four year old who crave the outdoors. The days of rain have saturated their backyard playground, and has left Great Lakes sized puddles in the driveway.

But not to be undone my daughter has beautifully handled the situation by allowing the boys to take a trip to the beach right outside their front door. In fact, it was the two year old who first gleefully said, “I at the beach!”

Meanwhile, the four year old has became a seasoned fisherman while catching imaginary fish with his bare hands. Come to think of it he might actually have a future in noodling one day. 

As I Face Timed Brittany today I couldn’t help but laugh at the antics of these two. They are unaware of the troubles of the world, and only know that playing in a puddle is the highlight of their young lives. 

Living in the moment comes so naturally to this age. Thanks Brittany for being such an awesome mom to your two boys, and allowing them to live their best lives.

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