Monday, December 24, 2018

His Hands and Feet

His hands and feet. 

They say God works in mysterious ways, and I truly believe He does. Most of the time you just need to be paying attention to let His will be done. 

A few days ago I was making my millionth trip to Walmart to get ready for Christmas. I had made a list of the last few items I needed, and when I arrived I reached into my purse to retrieve the list. 

Well in what seems to be a more common occurance these days I had left the list at home. As I began reading myself the riot act, I wracked my brain to recompose the list. It took a few minutes, but luckily there weren't too many items. 

When I got out of the car to make my way into the store I passed by an elderly gentleman looking for his car. I took several more steps when I felt compelled to turn around and check on him. It was apparent that he was unsure where his car was. 

I made my way toward him offering to help, and reassuring him that I had had the same experience before when parking for the first time at a new location. A few seconds later a young man walked up noticing what we were doing. The gentleman told us he drove a white Honda, and while I walked a few aisles over to look for it, the young man tried without luck to locate the car with the man's key fob. 

I then thought maybe he had come in a different entrance so I walked over to the far side of the parking lot to see if his car was there. When I returned I noticed a woman had joined the elderly gentleman, and they seemed to have located their car. 

I then met up with the young man who told me the older gentleman actually 
had a white Ford. Well of course it was, but we were happy that his his wife had been there, and it had all worked out. I confided that my own Dad had passed away almost two years ago, and anytime I see an elderly person needing help my instinct is to do so. He agreed, and confided that he helped take care of his own father. 

It wasn't until I was actually in the store that it hit me that if I had not left my list at home, I would have gotten out of my car much earlier. In doing so I probably would have missed the man altogether. I suddenly realized that God had a different plan that required me to take a few extra minutes to write my forgotten list. 

I'm so glad I heeded the prompting to turn around and check on the elderly man I had just passed. We are all given the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus if we simply obey when we feel compelled to do so. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas!

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