Friday, May 17, 2019

Blast From the Past

Blast from the past. 

The other day, while in line at Walmart, I noticed a Zero bar in the check out line. I suddenly had a blast from the past as I remembered its significance to my childhood. 

When I was about ten years old my family lived in Florida, and we belonged to our neighborhood pool. Because of the warmer weather I remember spending hours each day there during the spring and summer. Now I also remember that the pool had a concession stand which required money I did not have. 

Each day we would return home for lunch, and because there were five children in the family we never returned change in hand. However, lucky for me the pool had a policy that worked to both our advantage. If you were willing to work, they would give you a small wash cloth, and a tiny bar of soap. Your job was to scrub the decorative tile that lined the side of the pool. 

Now mind you, this was an Olympic-sized pool, and required quite a bit of time to make your way around the perimeter all the while scrubbing away. Your reward for the task would be a dime. After turning in your washcloth, and any scrap of soap left you could make your way to the concession stand to redeem your prize. 

For me it was always the same thing-a frozen Zero bar. So I guess if you were to ask me what my first job was I’d have to say pool scrubber. I’m beginning to wonder if the neighborhood pool owners were breaking some sort of child labor law? 

What I do know for sure is I found it to be a pretty fair trade for a bit of my time, and some elbow grease. I really can’t tell you what a Zero bar tastes like today, as it been decades since I’ve tried one. However, that frozen delight from my youthsure seemed worth it. 


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  2. The minute I saw this photo it brought back wonderful, old memories! Those frozen Zero bars were my favorite, too! I don't think I ever did the scrubbing, though! I think we paid a nickel for them, and those nickels were really hard to come by! Thanks for the delightful memories, Shari!

    1. Yes, I thought you might get a kick out of this!
